What people going about their daily lives might be wearing in 1985-86.
Kathy Zuelsdorf (Image: Brent Nicastro)
Kathy Zuelsdorf, Michel Yurkew, Maris Strautmanis, Kirk McCall (Image: Lewis Koch)
Linda Beckman, Michel Yurkew, Kirk McCall, Kathy Zuelsdorf, Kelly Widdoss, Maris Strautmanis (Image: Lewis Koch)
Kirk McCall (Image: Glenn Trudel)
How to be a Millionaire, ABC, 1985
Full Cast
Richard Bartol, Linda Beckman, Christopher Berge, Zoe Borovsky, Candace Cardinal, Brad Carlson, Henry Doane, Lisa Fenner, Laurie Huismann, Sam Gottlieb, Kevin Joiner, Alice Kamps, John Kamps, Edward Kastenmeier, Tamara Kern, Bobby Kim, Wendy Knaus, Larry LaMalfa, Andrea Linsky, Dina Marchesch, Sarah Markey, Kirk McCall, Dawn-Marie McIntosh, Laurie Meurett, John Montgomery, John Mossman, Paul Nason, Liz Perry, Jamee Phifer, Tamsie Ringler, Jill Roese, Susan Rusch, Mary Scales, Valorie Schaefer, James Schleif, Krysia Skowronski, Maris Strautmanis, Pamela Switzer, Kelly Widdoss, Melissa Young, Michael Yurkew, Kathy Zuelsdorf
Madison/ Minneapolis: Jill Daly, Chicago: Pamm Thompson, Madison II: Jimmy Doyle